Shailesh Kumar, National Defence
New Delhi, 14 June 2021
The latest G-7 Summit held in Britain proves to be the beginning of a a dead end for China’s multi-trillion Belt and Road Initiative also known as Xi Jinping’s dream project One Belt One Road initiative. As G-7 countries unveiled a global infrastructure plan called “Build Back Better World” or B3W, a synonym for US President Joe Biden’s global infrastructure Blue Dot Network plan launched in November 2019 with Japan and Australia to encourage development by public- private investments that are transparent and high quality. According to white house, B3W initiative, will provide a transparent infrastructure partnership to help narrow the $40 trillion needed by developing nations by 2035.
#G7Summit, #B3WVsBRI, #WuhanLabLeakProbe
Also watch: China Iran Cooperation Agreement: China’s BRI Vs US’ Blue Dot Network at:-