Indian Army Chief General Upendra Dwivedi held annual press conference at New Delhi’s Manekshaw Centre on the occasion of Army Day 2025. Chief of Army Staff Gen Dwivedi told media that situation on Northern border with People’s Republic of China (PRC) is stable but sensitive. 



Shailesh Kumar, National Defence
New Delhi, 13 January 2025


Indian Army Chief General Upendra Dwivedi held annual press conference at New Delhi’s Manekshaw Centre on the occasion of Army Day 2025. Chief of Army Staff Gen Dwivedi told media that situation on Northern border with People’s Republic of China (PRC) is stable but sensitive. There have been series of meetings first of the ministers followed by Prime Minster having a meeting with Chinese head of state. Similarly meetings took place at the corps commander level. 22nd SHMCL took place on 21st October. Thereafter on 5th December we had WMCC. On 18th December we has Special Representatives meeting.



Coming to Depsang and Demchok, as you are aware, April 20 onwards that both sides has moved forward and stopped other sides from going to traditional areas where they were carrying patrolling. What has happened in this disengagement— both sides agreed to go back and go back to the areas where both sides feel this is where we used to come for traditional patrolling. So that has been agreed upon and both sides fell back. As far as the verification patrolling, two rounds of patrolling has been completed over a period of time and both sides are quiet satisfied. As far as grazing grounds is concerned, those grazing grounds also been mutially agreed upon and graziers are allowed to go. Earlier we were not allowing them to avoid any inadvertent  aggravation of situation.



There is nothing called as buffer zone. When you carry out some negotiation, then you look at what can be solved immediately and what may take some time to resolve, Where you feel that there can be nature or degree violence can be high or fuse is short then you carry some place we declare as temporary moratorium that means both the sides will remain back and will not go to common areas because we still feel that if we meet at those places violence level can go high. As far as stand off is concerned. Both sides doctored the terrain. Both sides carried out  the military construction- yes. Stocking, deployment carried out by both sides- Yes. There is a degree of stand off. Once you changed all this situation after April 2020, the trust between two countries has to have new definition. Therefore there is a requirement for us to sit together and ocme to common understanding how we want to calm down the situation restore the trust. Now we lookingforward SR meetings and also the WMCC and based on the guidance given from that we will move forward. India has adequate strategic patience.


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